But, I didn't need to worry. On my first day of school, I sat by myself at the corner of the gym to eat lunch with one of my (many) current books, too shy to make any new friends. Yet, as I unwrapped my sandwich and cracked open my book, I looked up and saw a girl approach me.
She sat beside me, gave me a friendly smile, and cheerfully told me her name was Liz. She asked if she could have lunch with me, and over that hour, I made my first friend in middle school. I found out that she also loved to read, loved horses, horseback riding. We also loved the same TV shows. I was so relieved I made a friend that day.
Liz eventually became one of my best friends in middle school. And we went on to go to high school together, went through the IBT program together, taking many of the same classes in high school. We agonized over Grade 9 math together, spent a memorable year in Grade 11 Law, and even got ready for prom together with all our friends in our last year of high school.
Liz and I also went on to be university roommates in our first year at UofT, in our beloved Margaret Addison Hall (Vic College, we miss you!), and spent the next four years tearing our hair out, trying to get through university in one piece.
She has been a wonderful friend in the thirteen years I've known her. And, this summer, she's embarking on a trip to Vietnam, from June to August, with the TeachOverseas program.
To learn more about her trip, follow her blog by CLICKING HERE.
A brief summary of her trip from Liz herself:
"This summer (June 19 – August 3) I will be going with a group of 6 other teachers to Vietnam to work with Vietnamese students of all ages teaching conversational English. I will be going through a Christian organization called TeachOverseas (teachoverseas.org). The goal of this trip is not only to teach conversational English, which is a much needed and sought after skill to Vietnamese students of all ages, but also to develop friendships with these students and hopefully to be able to share the gospel with them through those friendships." - Excerpt from Journey To Vietnam
Liz is currently looking for supporters for this trip, and I encourage all of you to check out her website! She'll be spending about three months in Vietnam, putting those skills she's learned in teacher's college to the test, and building friendships with students who are lucky to have her as a teacher. Furthermore, she is also currently accepting donations to fund this trip abroad, so please click on the link above to learn about her trip and to help out, if you can :)
Have an amazing trip, friend!
"A good friend knows all your best stories, a best friend has lived them with you."
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