Friends, the end is near. The end of relaxation. The end of sleeping in. The end of doing absolutely nothing. The end of sweet, sweet stress-free bliss.
I guess I'm being a little dramatic. Okay, maybe a lot. But I thought I'd sit here and grudgingly write this blog post in acceptance of the fact that I'll be heading back to Kingston this weekend. Christmas break is almost over, and come Monday, it's back to class, back to the office, back to drowning myself in an insane amount of readings, back to the usual swing of things.
Boo. I don't want to go back.
And so, I'm dragging my feet, buying time before I have to grudgingly face the task of packing. I have a lot of stuff to bring back to Kingston, and I have no idea how I'll be lugging my monstrous suitcases from the Coach bus terminal to my Kingston home. In addition to winter gear, winter boots, and other necessary items (my skates!), my mother has decided to cook up a storm and will be sending me back to school with enough food to last me till June.
Okay, I'm exaggerating. But it's a lot of food. If nothing else, if I end up in a ditch somewhere in Kingston, trying to lug my suitcases home, at least I won't starve.
I've had such a fantastic Christmas break. My parents and I attended an awesome Christmas Eve party, enjoyed the company of family with Christmas dinner at our house. I rang in the New Year in an unusual yet memorable fashion. I had the pleasure of spending time with my dearest friends, from coffee dates, to lunches, to dinners, to shopping trips, to hang-out sessions and adventures that I've missed so much. My parents and I also had the chance to squeeze in a number of family dates to the movies (The King's Speech. Watch it), to the mall, to restaurants where I happily stuffed my face.
Wahhhhhhh. I don't want to go back! Don't make me! Everything I know and everyone I love is right here. At home. And yet I'm leaving it all once again.
Sigh. Okay. I'm done. No more whining. I have one last Starbucks coffee date tomorrow morning with Paula and Lenita, and one last event to play piano for on Saturday. Then it's goodbye until I'm back for Reading Week.
I assure you, I will be wearing this frown all the way back to Kingston. How did these three weeks pass by so quickly? I haven't even left home yet, and I'm already homesick. Goodbye, Christmas Break! And it's been a lovely break indeed, my friends. Till next time!
"Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy."
- Joseph Campbell
"I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be."
- Ken Venturi
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