As I write this blog post, I cannot feel my toes. Or my fingers, for that matter. And so, please forgive my poor grammar. Or any spelling errors that may occur as a result of my fingers' lack of mobility. Why am I semi-frozen, wrapped up in three layers of clothing, pulling on a third layer of socks, you ask? Let's backtrack a bit.
This morning, at the crazy hour of 7:30 am, my Coach bus departed from the Toronto bus terminal, en route to Kingston. Awesome. This meant that my parents and I had to leave our house by 6:15 am to ensure that we'd get there in time. Dragging myself out of bed this morning with barely four hours of sleep was not an easy task. And even the thought of hauling my monstrous suitcases home once I got to Kingston was enough to give me a mild migraine. And so, once the bus hit the Kingston terminal, I resolved to take a cab. And I did, arriving in Kingston bright and early this morning. Woot.
While I was super upset that the break went by so quickly, that I had to leave home when I really really didn't want to, I suppose being back isn't so bad. Why? Because arriving in Kingston has me excited about the following possibilities.
1) SOURCE OF EXCITEMENT #1: OH.MY.GOSH. It's a dream come true. As I walked to Starbucks this afternoon (after the nightmare of unpacking), I stopped in my tracks when I realized that there's a skating rink at Vic Park. What! What! A skating rink just a few blocks away from home? No way! And if that wasn't enough, it gets better. There's also a skating rink by city hall, just a few minutes away from campus!
I was so excited that I resolved to go skating every evening this week, even if it means skating alone. Yes, I'm crazy. But it's early in the term. Ergo, our work hasn't piled up yet. I should take advantage of this free time, no?
And so, I took a break from work this evening to go skating by city hall with my housemate. The good news? It isn't Nathan Phillips Square, but the rink is beautiful, and I loved it. The bad news? It was cold. Really, really, cold. And that is why I'm frozen in bed at the moment, lamenting the state of my frozen fingers and toes. Ah, well, enduring the weather was worth it. I'll just have to dress warmer next time.
I'm so happy that we have a skating rink just a few minutes away from home! I need to take advantage of how close it is. I'll just have have to, um, make sure I dress warmer next time. This I-think-I-may-have-frostbite business doesn't feel too great.
2) SOURCE OF EXCITEMENT #2: Tomorrow marks the first day of class, and I must say, I'm pretty excited about the course I'm attending tomorrow. Actually, I'm extremely excited about all my courses this semester. While there is a possibility that I may switch one course, I'm really satisfied with my schedule this semester (two days of class a week!), particularly since I'll be taking a course outside my department at the School of Policy Studies. So much new material to learn, so many interesting books and articles to read!
Okay, the books and readings part doesn't sound so appealing on paper (and I'm sure I'll be complaining about them later), but I'm so glad to have the opportunity to learn under some pretty awesome instructors, to learn material that I haven't had a chance to study before. It's going to be a great semester!
3) SOURCE OF EXCITEMENT #3: This is a really minor issue to get excited about. But I'm excited anyway. Many who know me are aware of my indescribable love for London Fogs. I perpetually crave tea lattes. And so, how excited was I to find out that, from January 7 - 16, Starbucks is having a 50% sale on ALL their tea lattes from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm daily?
As if I wasn't at Starbucks enough before, I may now just have to live there.
There are so many things to be excited about. It's a semester of new classes, new classmates, new teachers, law school applications, and other memorable activities and events that I'm sure we'll all enjoy. While I initially wasn't happy to come back, in retrospect, I'm glad I'm here. Home will always have my heart, but I suppose Kingston can have a part of it too. New year, new semester, time to get excited!
"I said to my child, I will explain to you as much about life as I can, but you must remember that there is a part of life for which you are the explanation."
- Robert Braul
“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”
- Flora Whittemore
“This is my wish for you: comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth. And love to complete your life.”
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