I have nothing to blog about.
Because, realistically, have I done any work the past week? Have you looked outside? How could I possibly get any work done? When I could go frolic in the sun? When I could sit on the benches outside Stauffer Library and people-watch the day away?
But, realistically, this also means I must have taken at least 8754357849357 days and nights off since the day I handed in my last term paper. Um. The prospects of finishing my thesis in the timeframe I have aren't looking good. When will I actually start working on this MRP?
I'll let Future Barbara worry about this.
Because, it's the end of the term, and it feels like summer. And ergo, it feels like summer vacation. Not only does it look like summer outside, it feels like summer in a vacation sense of the word. Sandals, sunglasses, a big floppy hat, and leisure reading. That's what I feel like doing right about now.
And also, I can't concentrate. Because it's the end of the term, it's been a week of endings here in Kingston. A week of endings for this so-called grad life of mine. And this vacation-like setting makes me feel like I'm done this degree.
But first...
Did I mention the weather?
Did I mention that the ice cream shop downtown near the lake just opened today?
Did I mention I can now sit by the lake and read without worries of snow/hail/freezing temperatures?
Did I mention that my new jogging regime (inspired by the weather) has me addicted to running and fixated on studying everything there is to know about daily exercise? And ergo, NOT studying my thesis topic?
Did I mention that I still haven't fully decided on a law school for next year yet? And ergo, I've been spending much of my waking hours researching, wracking my brain, trying to decide once in for all which institution I'd like to spend the next three years of my life in?
Did I mention the end-of-year bonanzas in Kingston every night this week?
And lastly, did I mention that the World Figure Skating Championships can be streamed live everyday this week?.
And, like I said, it's also been a week of endings here in Kingston. Enough to distract me from doing my work. It's been such a great semester. And now, summer's here. People are leaving. My schedule is changing. My daily routine will probably change. And, in less than two months, I'll be leaving Kingston too.
First, it's been a week of finishing up my last duties as a Politics TA. 700 exams were marked, recorded, checked, re-checked. Yup. I'm officially no longer a TA. And, I'm almost 100% sure I probably won't be a TA again in the future. Oh, this is bittersweet. I'm going to miss it.
It's been a week of undergrads moving out of Kingston. I swear, I must have seen a dozen first years trudging down University Avenue with suitcases in tow. Have a fun summer, kids! Let the grad students take over Kingston while you're gone, yea?
It's been a week of friends moving out, moving back home. Plus, Housemate #1 just moved out today. Oh god, I hate goodbyes.
It's, basically, been a week of mass exodus out of Kingston. This town is going to be so quiet the next few months.
It really does feel like summer vacation.
Oh, summer. I can't wait to enjoy you.... after I write this thesis. So, in the midst of all the goodbyes, farewell lunches, dinners, and parties, I need to get back to work. Back to the library I go. Tomorrow.
"In my end, is my beginning."
- T.S. Eliot
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