No, really. That was the first squeal of glee I made when Mishal proposed a New York trip over the weekend.
What's a Woo Girl, you ask? Let Ted Mosby explain it to you.
Two years ago, a few weeks before our university graduation, my friends and I went to New York for the first time. And boy, did we love it. Seriously, I loved this city. From wandering SoHo, the Empire State Building, getting lost trying to find the Empire State Building, Chinatown, Canal Street, Little Italy, Central Park, Times Square, the random house party in Brooklyn (or was it Queens?), there was so much to do, so much to see. It was an awesome experience and, in short, it was an epic trip.
And so, we decided that every summer after graduation, we would travel somewhere together. Somewhere, anywhere. And, friends, that`s still the plan. Until we`re old and gray, we`ll be travelling somewhere together every year. And, last year, we embarked on our first Eurotrip ever: the adventures in Rome, Paris, and London, that I wrote about here.
This year, our initial plan was to jet off to Spain in July. Barcelona? Madrid? Awwww yeah. But unfortunately, reality calls. We realized a couple of months ago that Barcelona and Madrid will have to wait until next year. The timing just isn't right for many of us. Jobs? Returning from other trips abroad? Jobs? Trying to finish Masters degrees? Europe just won't work out this summer.
So where are we going for our yearly trip instead?
Well, back to New York, of course.
See? There's a Woo Girl in me, somewhere.
I am so, so excited. I initially feared that our yearly post-grad trip wouldn't happen because of our busy schedules. But, thankfully, our travel plans are back on track. And a four-day trip to New York will be just the perfect antidote to the academic stress I`ll be under, come May.
So, the plan? This trip will be a little different than the last.
Meaning, we won't be taking an Asian bus tour this time. Oh, yeah. Did I mention Taipan Tours was involved the last time we were in New York? So. Awesome. But as much as we loved the quirky people on that tour with us, the plan this time is to take in as much of New York as possible. This means living right in the heart of Manhattan, visiting the places we didn't get to go to last time (the Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum, pastry shops on Broadway, Statue of Liberty, etc.), and maybe, just maybe, I can sneak away and visit NYU's Law School. Just because.
I am so excited. Did I mention that I`m really excited? The last time we were in New York, I was editing my undergraduate thesis. And this year, I'll be doing the same thing again. No doubt, I'll be editing a draft of that Masters Research Paper to the wee hours of the night in our hotel room after a day of shopping and sightseeing.
But it's worth the sacrifice. This trip will be spectacularly awesome, I can feel it. I can`t wait to travel with you girls yet again.
Also. I eagerly anticipate loitering around Times Square, as per tradition.
New York, can't wait to be back!

“The crime problem in New York is getting really serious. The other day, the Statue of Liberty had both hands up.”
- Jay Leno
"For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future."
- John F. Kennedy
“It couldn't have happened anywhere, but in little old New York.”
- William Sydney Porter
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