Bahamas? What? No, I didn't go to the Bahamas on Friday. Beaches? Sand? Unfortunately, my life isn't that glamorous. However, I did experience something just as great on Friday night.
This blog post really has no purpose other than to mention (read: rave about) my Friday night at the Grad Club, witnessing the talented Afie Jurvanen put on a pretty fabulous show. Seriously, how is he not more well-known? This guy is going to be a bigger hit in the future, my friends. He has stage presence like no other.
Overall, the indie fan in me had a fabulous night (I just realized how many times I used the word `fabulous` in this blog post. What can I say, I have no excuse. I`m tired and I marked all day). And did it help that a friend of mine totally walked past him by the bar? Where he stood, so casually, like a rock star? No big deal, right?
Actually, after witnessing his guitar skills, it`s a semi-big deal. Excuse me while I sit in a corner to wring my hands fervently like an excited (read: manic) fangirl.
Anyway, I liked Bahamas so much that I've decided to pimp him on my blog. For those who don't know who Bahamas is, check him out! He won't disappoint. The Bahamas MySpace page isn't very user friendly, so if you desire an evening of relaxing (read: awesome) music, here are a few YouTube links to some songs he played on Friday:
Bahamas - Whole Wide World (My favourite, hands down).
Bahamas - Already Yours
Bahamas - Hockey Teeth
Bahamas - Till The Morning (Click on the playlist on the right).
This has to be the shortest blog post I've ever written. But what can I say? Good music speaks for itself. It never ceases to amaze me how Kingston is such a haven for live music. Love it.
"Life can't be all bad when for ten dollars you can buy all the Beethoven sonatas and listen to them for ten years."
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
“I think just working as hard as we possibly can, without dying! And always, always trying to write the best songs we could possibly make. And just to come out of our shell a little bit more.”
- Billy Lunn
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